Volunteer Trail Guides
If you have a special interest in nature and the outdoors, enjoy sharing your knowledge with children, and would like to learn more about the natural world, you may enjoy participating in Beaver Lake Nature Center’s volunteer trail guide program.
Recruits learn from Head Naturalist, Erin Stebbins, and experienced guides. The Nature Center will hold workshops and field trips to various natural areas to increase the trail guides’ natural history knowledge. The training program is free. There is a session in March for maple sugaring, in April for Spring Bog tours, and in the fall for Fall Bog tours. In addition, the trail guide will be informed of any local lectures offered to them, courtesy of the Friends of Beaver Lake, Inc. Please complete the online Volunteer Interest Form For additional information please email Erin Stebbins

- Applicants must be at least 21 years old
- Must be available on weekdays in the spring, summer, and/or fall
- Interest in nature and child education
- Willingness to learn and adapt to changing lessons
- Be physically able to hike through varying terrain.
- Know that you are inspiring the next generation to care for and respect nature
- Join a dedicated group of volunteers to teach and to learn—enjoy field trips, lessons, and luncheons together
- Build your knowledge of local flora, fauna, and environmental issues
- Spend time outdoors