Meet the Volunteers at Beaver Lake Nature Center

Beaver Lake volunteers are inspired and dedicated. We are honored to recognize those who support the Nature Center, with their time. Our volunteers are essential in helping the Friends of Beaver Lake, Inc. achieve their mission.

Beaver Tales Features

Sue Bray (Fall 2014)
Mary Hartigan (Winter 2014-2015)
Carla Wiemers (Spring 2015)
George & Judy Tennant (Summer 2015)
Kate Spies (Fall 2015)
Marge Calkins & Ann Hoadley (Winter 2015-2016)
Joyce Black & Ed Levey (Spring 2016)
Barb Johnson & Beth Head (Summer 2016)
Allen & Barb Winegard (Fall 2016)
Dawn Bennett & Jean Vertucci (Winter 2016)
Jim Goulet & Bob Hill (Spring 2017)
Terry Kalenak & Laura Kalenak (Summer 2017)
Nancy Sears (Fall 2017)
Barb Burr & Helen Schmid (Winter 2017-2018)
Charlene Furbush & Diana Wolpert (Spring 2018)
Jerry Elliot & Richard Kyle (Summer 2018)
Ann Pia & Helen Mierzwa (Fall 2018)
Marcella Dockham & Martha Evans (Winter 2018-2019)
Wayne Richmond & Michele Payment (Spring 2019)
Cheryl Metrick & Marilyn Scott (Summer 2019)
Mary Dineen (Fall 2019)
Golden Harvest Festival & Enchanted Beaver Lake (Winter 2019-2020)
Joe Brin(Spring 2020)

Trail Guide Of The Year: 

Carl Reistrom (2016)
Jack Pope (2017)
Dan Wiemers (2017)
Mary Lou Bender & Mary Harkola (2018)
Linda Showens, Ken Weston & John Lotito (2019)
Michael Zalewski & James Ruddick(2022)
Joy Pople & Suzanne Ray (2023)
To view the most recent Volunteer Spotlight, please visit our site often or become a member to receive the latest issue of Beaver Tales.