Board Of Directors

The Board of Directors shall consist of not less than twelve or more than twenty-one members, elected from the membership at the Annual General Membership Meeting.
Up to one-third of the Directors to be elected by the general membership shall be elected each year to serve for a term of three years. There are no term limits. The County representatives will serve on the Board of Directors in this capacity, as provided for in Section 5.1, only so long as they are serving as an appointed or elected County representative.
The direction and management of the affairs of the Corporation shall be vested in, and the responsibility of, the Board of Directors who shall act in accordance with the By-Laws of the Corporation and have a duty of care, loyalty, and obedience as outlined in “Right From the Start: Responsibilities of Directors of Not-for-Profit Corporations”, from the New York State Office of the Attorney General Charities Bureau. Introductory training shall be provided to all incoming Directors. Training shall include the responsibilities of a not-for-profit Director and an orientation to Beaver Lake Nature Center. Such training will be provided by the Executive Committee and held in conjunction with the June meeting of the Board of Directors.
The Friends of Beaver Lake Board of Directors
- Terrance Caviness
- Allison Corey
- Shaffer Day
- Jim Goulet
- Janice Hammerle
- Victor Jenkins
- Laura Kalenak
- Pat McCurdy
- Kristi Mickam
- Bill Pastella
- George Tennant
- Anthony Vertucci
- Cassandra Wheeler
- Dan Wiemers
- Jim Young
Brian Kelley, Commissioner, Onondaga County Parks
Amanda Accamando, Director, Beaver Lake Nature Center
Brian May, Onondaga County Legislator